Academic articles
Ribó, Ignasi. 2024. Developing more-than-human sustain-abilities in the ecocritical classroom. Environmental Education Research. 30(9) : 1587–1603.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2023. From global citizenship to Anthropocene denizenship: the challenge to education for sustainable development. Critical Studies in Education. 65(1) : 75-92.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2022. Poetics of cohabitation: an ecosemiotic theory of oral poiesis. Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication. 43(3) : 549–581.
Ribó, Ignasi; Samachitloed, Sitthichok; Noopan, Prapawarin; Satrakom, Chanakan; Kotchamit, Papawarin. 2021. ‘Kox kwai kauv kox kwai’: ecopoetic symbolisation in Pgaz K’Nyau oral poetry. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics. 15(1) : 103–139.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2021. Interaction symbolique dans le non-lieu liminal : Une lecture microsociologique de Bernard-Marie Koltès. Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses. 19(2021) : 615-632.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2022. Golden triangle: a material-semiotic geography. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. 29(3) : 751–770.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2020. ‘At the farthest pole from man’: Kafka’s posthuman outlook on war. Journal of Modern Literature. 44(1) : 20-35.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2020. Posthuman political ecology: actors, networks, systems. Conference Proceedings: The 6th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD) 2019. : 166-174.
Ribó, Ignasi; Calzolari, Fabio. 2020. Environmental cultures in the upper Mekong basin: a review of international literature. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia. 35(1) : 65–107.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2019. Semiotic alignment: towards a dialogical model of interspecific communication. Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. 2019(230) : 247-274.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2019. Dialogical communicative interaction between humans and elephants: an experiment in semiotic alignment. Biosemiotics. 12(2) : 305-327.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2018. The novel as tragic form. MFU Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 7(2) : 1-16.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2013. Worlds and words: of bats, ticks, and apes. Environmental Philosophy. 10(2) : 97-112.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2009. Jean Améry, the dislocated witness. Transfer: Journal of Contemporary Culture. 4 : 6-23.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2009. The one-winged angel: history and memory in the literary discourse of W. G. Sebald. Orbis Litterarum. 64(3) : 222-262.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2006. Jean Améry, el testimoni dislocat. El contemporani. Revista d’història. 33-34 : 11-20.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2006. Sospechosos cortes en la superficie. Alpha. Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofía. 22 : 9-26.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2006. Jean Améry, el testimoni dislocat. Els marges. 80 : 49-65.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2006. Galatea o la leche: la descripción de la belleza femenina en Teócrito, Ovidio y Góngora. Lemir. Revista de Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento. 10.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2006. Fin del idilio, principio de la novela. Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios. 33.
Other articles
Ribó, Ignasi. 20 September 2018. Bitagora: a decentralized voting platform built on Hyperledger Sawtooth. Hyperledger Blog.
Ribó, Ignasi. 20 April 2018. The last thing Catalonia needs is more autonomy. Politico.
Ribó, Ignasi. 13 November 2017. To solve Catalonia, Spain needs a new constitution. Politico.
Ribó, Ignasi. 6 November 2012. How small countries can save the European project: the rise of the habitat-nation. OpenDemocracy.
Ribó, Ignasi. 8 May 2018. El nostre combat. Nació Digital.
Ribó, Ignasi. 27 April 2018. La república que volem no es construeix amb majoria simple. El nacional.
Ribó, Ignasi. 14 June 2013. Els fills pròdigs. Vilaweb.
Ribó, Ignasi. March 2001. Dramatúrgia catalana? Parlem-ne. El Correu de la UNESCO.
Ribó, Ignasi. February 2013 / January 2001. Per què Andorra no és Manhattan?. Núvol / El Correu de la UNESCO.
Ribó, Ignasi. August 2000. La narrativa balear: quatre aproximacions. El Correu de la UNESCO.
Ribó, Ignasi. June 2000. La ciutat mestissa. El Correu de la UNESCO.
Ribó, Ignasi. February 2000. La cova d’Alí Babà. El Correu de la UNESCO.
Ribó, Ignasi. October 2023. Anthropocene Denizenship Education: A New Approach to Education for Sustainability. International Conference on Technology, Education, and Science (InCoTES 2023), Enhancing Global Joint Research and Publication. Presented at , Online.
Ribó, Ignasi. August 2023. Education for Sustainability in the Anthropocene: Toward a Posthumanist Curriculum. Asia Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators Conference (APCORE 2023), Sustainable Research and Education: Trajectories, Hopes, Alarms, and Expectations. Presented at Grand Asrilia Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia.
Ribó, Ignasi. May 2023. Teaching Literature Beyond the Human: Insights from a Postqualitative Research Project. 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, Language, Literature and Culture (ICMLLC-2023), **. Presented at , Online.
Ribó, Ignasi. March 2023. ChatGPT Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities of AI for Liberal Arts. School of Liberal Arts Talks. Presented at Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Ribó, Ignasi. March 2022. Teaching Literature to ASEAN University Students. International symposium, Reinventing University 2021. Organised and moderated at Mae Fah Luang University, Online.
Ribó, Ignasi. August 2021. Nonhuman, Inhuman, Posthuman: Reflections on Literature beyond the Human. 4th ASLE-ASEAN Ecocritical Workshop, Southeast Asian Literatures and the Anthropocene. Presented at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.
Ribó, Ignasi. March 2021. Metaphorical symbolization of nonhumans in Pgaz K’Nyau oral poetry: Examples from a recent field research study. 11th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MICOLLAC 2020), Embracing Cultural Diversity Through Languages and Literature. Presented at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Online.
Ribó, Ignasi. November 2019. Posthuman political ecology: actors, networks, systems. 6th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD), A New Global Network: What’s Next of “The Turns” in International Relations and Development. Presented at Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Ribó, Ignasi. October 2019. Dialogue for ecological regeneration: engaging with environmental knowledge in the north of Thailand. International conference, Sustainable Innovation for Health and Development. Organised at Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Ribó, Ignasi. June 2019. Golden triangle: the emergence of a liminal space in the upper Mekong river. 3rd ASLE-ASEAN Ecocritical Workshop, The Litoral and the Liminal: Bonding ASEAN Together Through Literary Studies, Ecological Criticism and the Environmental Humanities. Presented at University of the Philippines-Diliman, Manila, Philippines.
Ribó, Ignasi; Calzolari, Fabio. May 2019. A review of recent studies of environmental cultures in the upper Mekong basin. 1st National Conference Srikhottaboon Studies, Mekong River and Cultural Studies for Local Development. Presented at University of Nakhon Phanom, Nakhon Phanom, Thailand.
Ribó, Ignasi. October 2017. Exploring new models of interspecific communication. 10th Donders Discussions, Neuroscience and Cognition. Delivered at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Ribó, Ignasi. February 2017. Understanding the relationship of humans and elephants in Thailand from a cultural perspective. 10th International Conference of HUSOC, Dynamics of Humanities and Social Sciences in Cross-Border Societies. Presented at Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Ribó, Ignasi. June 2011. Worlds and words: of bats, ticks, and apes. International conference, From Ego to Eco: Imagining Ecocentrism in Literature, Film and Philosophy. Presented at University of Galway, Galway, Ireland.
Ribó, Ignasi. April 2011. Attentiveness: a case of primate semiosis. International conference, Zoosemiotics and Animal Representations. Presented at University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
Ribó, Ignasi. February 2011. El repte de l’eficiència en la gestió d’una ONG. Delivered at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain.
Ribó, Ignasi. April 2007. The novel as tragic form. International conference, The Novel: Democracy’s Form?. Presented at University of Sussex, Falmer, United Kingdom.
Ribó, Ignasi. February 2007. The papers of Salamanca: war, closure, and re-enactment. International conference, Archives: From Memory to Event. Presented at University College of London, London, United Kingdom.
Rimbau, Eva; Ribó, Ignasi. June 2006. Ejercicio de simulación empresarial: desarrollo de competencias genéricas en un entorno virtual. Workshop, Jornadas en Red sobre el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Presented at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
Ribó, Ignasi. 2000 / 2001. Clara de nit / Clear is the night. Barcelona / New York: Prize Joan Santamaria / Boomerang Theatre. Drama.
Tremain, Rose (trans. Ribó, Ignasi). 2005. El color. Barcelona: Edhasa. ISBN: 9788435060993. Translation.
Davidar, David (trans. Ribó, Ignasi). 2003. La casa dels mangos blaus. Barcelona: Empúries. ISBN: 9788475961894. Translation.